Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Month: April 2011

  • New Course on Peace and Conflict Journalism

    PEAC 025. Peace and Conflict Journalism This course will address the dynamic relationship between journalism and conflict and the theory and practice of peace journalism as an alternative to the conventions and biases of traditional war reporting. Students will examine the state of the media ecosystem and independent media practices. Practical instruction will introduce the…

  • Alice Paul and Iron Jawed Angels film screening

    Peace and Conflict Studies at Swarthmore College has organized a three-film series this semester based around the theme of Nonviolent Movements for Rights and Liberation. Our third and final film will be Iron-Jawed Angels. In this Hollywood dramatization, Swatties Alice Paul ’05 (played by Hilary Swank) with Mabel Vernon ’06 (played by Brooke Smith) are…