Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Month: July 2013

  • Elowyn Corby ’13 Awarded Undergraduate Student Thesis Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association

    We are thrilled to announce that Elowyn Corby, class of 2013, has been awarded the 2013 Undergraduate Student Thesis Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) for her honors thesis titled “Training for Change: Moving from Theory to Practice in Adult Education for Empowerment.” The PJSA is a professional association for scholars, K-12…

  • Belfast Mural Artist to take up Tri-college Creative Residency in Fall 2013

    This past spring, Prof. Lee Smithey successfully applied with a range of partners to bring Belfast-based mural artist, David ‘Dee’ Craig, to the Tri-Colleges for a month-long residency during the fall semester 2013. Mr. Craig’s visit follows a visit by the Bogside Artists in 2008. Mr. Craig hails from East Belfast, but he has painted…

  • 150 years ago: A College Founded in Wartime

    Cleaning one’s office can be a chore, but it also encourages one to stumble across gems that were set aside in the rush of an academic year.  In my cleaning today, I came across one of Chris Densmore’s sesquicentennial historical pieces from the July 2012 Swarthmore College Bulletin. 150 years ago: A College Founded in…

  • Global Peace Index 2013

    The 2013 Global Peace Index is out, and wow, that is one of the most impressively produced report videos I have ever seen. Explore the results further.  

  • First Monday Series: William Kashatus speaks August 5 on Abraham Lincoln, the Quakers, and the Civil War

    Monday, August 5, 2013, 7:30-9:00 pm in the Barn at Pendle Hill. All are welcome to a free public lecture by William Kashatus,”A Trial of Principle and Faith: Abraham Lincoln, the Quakers, and the Civil War.” This program is part of Pendle Hill’s First Monday Series of free lectures, films, and events held the first…

  • 125 Years of Peace and Conflict Studies in Higher Education at Swarthmore College

    In recent months, a document was discovered in the Swarthmore College Archives revealing that the first known Peace and Conflict Studies course in higher education, “Elements of International Law with special attention to the important subjects of Peace and Arbitration” was offered by Professor William Penn Holcomb in 1888 at Swarthmore College. Thus, this year,…

  • Report on Tri-college trip to PJSA 2012

    Fifteen peace and conflict studies and environmental studies students and faculty from the Tri-Colleges (Swarthmore, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr) attended this year’s Peace and Justice Studies Association meetings at Tufts University October 4-6, 2012. [Tri-College Trip to the 2012 Peace and Justice Studies Meeting at Tufts University from Swarthmore Peace Studies on Vimeo.] This year’s…

  • Tweeting on gun violence prevention

    Students in the course PEAC 077 “Peace Studies and Action” partnered with the local gun violence reporting organization, guncrisis.org over the spring semester 2013. In the spirit of “process journalism” that guncrisis journalists employ, our class made announcements, shared resources, and offered comments on gun violence prevention over the course of the semester using a…

  • 175th Anniversary of the Burning of Pennsylvania Hall

    By Chris Densmore, Curator of the Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College May 14 was the 175th Anniversary of the 1838 opening of Pennsylvania Hall in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Hall was dedicated to “liberty and the rights of man.” Over the next three days the Hall hosted meetings of the Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women, the…