Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Month: January 2018

  • Gene Sharp has died and the world has lost a global educator

    We join with so many scholars and activists around the world who appreciate the life and work of Gene Sharp, who died on January 28, 2018 at the age of 90. His impact on our work is hard to express. We are so grateful. Jørgen Johansen has offered a beautiful and informative orbituary that we…

  • Swarthmore to Commemorate Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    From the News and Information Office Swarthmore to Commemorate Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Among this year’s events is the annual candlelight vigil at the Black Cultural Center. The College community will honor and commemorate the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with a series of educational and…

  • Holding Tension – Making a Place at the Table for Continuing Revelation

    Holding Tension – Making a Place at the Table for Continuing Revelation

    This year’s Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture at Pendle Hill will be delivered by Swarthmore’s own Prof. Sarah Willie-LeBreton! Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2018 “Holding Tension – Making a Place at the Table for Continuing Revelation” by Sarah Willie-LeBreton April 2, 2018 7:30pm-9:00pm in the Barn at Pendle Hill. In this talk, I assume…

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Fixing the Jericho Road

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Fixing the Jericho Road

    By Lee Smithey I hope everyone finds an opportunity to reflect and take some sort of action (or preparation for action) in pursuit of justice and peace on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. While the nation focuses on service, I am usually drawn on this day to Dr. King’s speech, “Beyond Vietnam.” Public schools are…

  • Dialogue Across Differences in Faith and World View

    Dialogue Across Differences in Faith and World View

    From the Tri-Co Courageous Conversations Planning Committee: We warmly invite you to an interfaith conference taking place at Bryn Mawr College on February 1 and 2, 2018: “Courageous Conversations: Equipping Ourselves for Dialogue Across Differences in Faith and World View” The conference will equip participants to frame useful questions that allow them to deeply listen,…

  • NEW Friends, Peace, and Sanctuary course on refugees and art

    NEW Friends, Peace, and Sanctuary course on refugees and art

    As part of the College’s Friends, Peace, and Sanctuary project, supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, the Peace and Conflict Studies program will sponsor a related half-credit course in the spring. In what ways can engaging with art inspire conversations, change perspectives, or increase empathy? How might sharing personal experiences through the process of making…