Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Conversation with Max Elbaum, longtime left organizer and author of Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao and Che.

Conversation with Max Elbaum, longtime left organizer and author
of Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao and Che.
Tuesday April 16th, 7pm
Kohlberg Hall, Scheuer Room
Swarthmore College (free and open to the public).

The third edition of Revolution in the Air was published in 2018 with a new forward by Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement. Garza writes: “We can use this book as a tool to begin charting a path towards what a vast, vibrant Left can and should look like in the United States.” And Elbaum says: “Today revolutionary sentiments are spreading once again as we face exceptional dangers from the white nationalist-driven Trump presidency. I look forward to working [to] do our best to defeat the racist, sexist and authoritarian right; strengthen mass movements for peace, social justice and a sustainable environment; and make revolutionary politics not just a sentiment filling the air but a powerful political force on the ground.”  Max will give a short-ish talk on his book and its lessons for today’s activists, then open up for a Q&A.

Max Elbaum was a member of Students for a Democratic Society and a leader of one of the main new communist movement organizations. His writings have appeared in the Nation, the US Guardian, CrossRoads, and the Encyclopedia of the American Left. He lives in Oakland.

co-sponsored by the departments of Sociology & Anthropology and Peace & Conflict Studies.  Contact dlauris1@swarthmore.edu.