Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Egypt and Nonviolent Revolution: Teach-in at Haverford

Haverford will be hosting a teach-in about Egypt next week:


Please bring your lunch and join us for a Teach In:

Protest and Democracy Movements: Egypt and Beyond

Friday, February 18, 12-2pm

Haverford College Dining Center, Bryn Mawr Room

Roundtable Discussion with:

  • Craig Borowiak (Assistant Professor of Political Science, Haverford College)
  • Anita Isaacs (Benjamin R. Collins Professor of Social Science and Associate Professor of Political Science, Haverford College)
  • Barak Mendelsohn (Assistant Professor of Political Science, Haverford College)
  • Farha Ghannam (Associate Professor of Anthropology, Swarthmore College)