Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

George Lakey and Green Walk for Jobs and Justice

The Earth Quaker Action Team (eqat.org) is committed to Shining the Light on PNC Bank’s investments in companies that practice mountaintop removal coal mining — a practice that has devastated Appalachian communities, causing increased rates of poverty, unemployment, health symptoms, cancer and birth defects.

George Lakey,Lang Research Fellow and Visiting Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, along with about seven other core walkers from EQAT, will be making the 200 mile journey on foot, holding nonviolent actions at PNC Banks and collecting Green Your Money pledges from consumers who are ready to move their accounts.

Quakers practice a Testimony of Simplicity that is embodied in their “Leading” to walk across the state of Pennsylvania for an end to mountaintop removal. The goal is to build a statewide movement of people of conscience. The walkers will be meeting with Quaker Meetings, allied congregations, fracking organizations, student groups, and others along the route who share an interest in helping PNC become the “Green Bank” it claims to be.

Their schedule is as follows:

  • Depart from Philadelphia: Monday, April 30, 2012
  • Day of Action In Harrisburg: Monday, May 7
  • Arrival in Pittsburgh: Tuesday, May 15
  • Final Day Of Action: PNC Headquarters, Pittsburgh: Wednesday, May 16

Earth Quaker Action Tea will secure logistics, hospitality, and events for the walkers, and invite all interested Friends and friends of Friends to walk alongside the walkers for any length of time — and to join them during their days of action.

For those interested in carrying the Light forward in this act of public witness, or interested in helping contribute by volunteering to help with logistics or fundraising, go to: http://greenpnc.org/blog/green-walk-jobs-and-justice-philadelphia-pittsburgh or email EQAT at eqateam at gmail.com

George Lakey