Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Humanitarian Law and the Tribunal System at Guantanamo

Upcoming events of interest at Haverford College:

From the Laws of War to Humanitarian Law

March 31 at 4:30PM in KINSC Hilles 109

Siba Grovogui, Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University and author of Beyond Eurocentrism and Anarchy: Memories International Order and Institutions (Palgrave 2006), and Mark Antaki, Assistant Professor of Law at McGill University School of Law, will discuss human rights and humanitarian law as viewed from the African and the European perspectives.

This event is sponsored by the Distinguished Visitors Program and the CPGC.

Talk by Adam Thurschwell on the Tribunal System at Guantanamo

March 3 at 4:30pm in Chase Auditorium

Adam Thurschwell, Professor of Law at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and author of Capital Punishment and Political Sovereignty (Routledge 2008), currently working as defense lawyer for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Thurschwell will give a public talk about the workings of the tribunal system at Guantanamo. He will also visit my Levinas/ethics seminar.

This event is sponsored by the Distinguished Visitors Program.