Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Cadbury scholar Mary Lord on peace work, hope, and 21st century Quaker witness

Mary LordMary Lord, who is the Cadbury Scholar this year at Pendle Hill (on the other side of Crum woods) was recently interviewed in the center’s electronic newsletter.  She addresses Quaker witness, nonviolent resistance, and the elements of a peaceful culture.

“Mary Lord worked professionally in the field of peace and security for thirty years, including as Assistant General Secretary for Peace and Conflict Resolution for the American Friends Service Committee and with the program on peaceful prevention of armed conflict for the Friends Committee on National Legislation.  She is the Henry J. Cadbury scholar at Pendle Hill for 2009-2010. A member of Adelphi Friends Meeting in Baltimore Yearly Meeting, she serves on the General Board and Executive Committee of Friends United Meeting.”

Read the interview in its entirety.