Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Nuremberg film screening


The Schulberg/Waletzky Restoration

Writer-director Stuart Schulberg, left, pictured at his film’s 1948 premiere in Stuttgart, Germany, with John Scott. (Courtesy photo)
One Screening Only!

Monday, December 5, 2011

7:00 pm

Lang Performing Arts Center Cinema

(maps and directions)

Special guest Sandra Schulberg (’71) – daughter of filmmaker Stuart Schulberg & producer of the restoration – will speak about the making of Nuremberg and its subsequent suppression in the U.S.

Visit www.nurembergfilm.org and Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today on Facebook

Co-sponsored by Peace and Conflict Studies and German Studies. Event made possible by the Serendipity Fund.

Sandra Schulberg '71 and Sam Hirshman '13
Sandra Schulberg '71 and Sam Hirshman '13 talk after the screening of the film in LPAC Cinema.