Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Peace & Conflict Studies Courses for Spring 2013

As you are planning for your spring 2013 semester, here are courses on offer that may be counted toward a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Peace & Conflict Studies – Spring 2013

ARAB 025. War in Arab Literature and Cinema

ECON 051. The International Economy*

ECON 081. Economic Development*

ECON 151. International Economics*

HIST 037. History & Memory: Perspectives of Holocaust

JPNS 083. War/Postwar in Japanese Culture

LITR 025A. War in Arab Literature and Cinema

LITR 083J. War/Postwar in Japanese Culture

PEAC 071B. Strategy: Non-Violent Struggle

PEAC 077. Peace Studies and Action

PEAC 090. Thesis

PEAC 093. Directed Reading

PEAC 180. Senior Honors Thesis [W]

PHIL 021. Social and Political Philosophy*

POLS 004. International Politics

POLS 047. Democracy, Autocracy and Regime Change

PSYC 035. Social Psychology*

RELG 039. Good and Evil

SOAN 010J. War, Sport and Masculine Identity

SOAN 071B. Strategy Non-Violent Struggle

* Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are eligible for credit upon prior arrangement with the instructor and the program coordinator.  Download the appropriate form from the PCS website.