Several upcoming talks at our sister college, Haverford, may be of interest:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Jill Stauffer
??Human Rights:? What is in the Law, Who is the Subject???
4:30PM Gest Center 101
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Keith Brown
“The sum of tiny things: Fieldwork, democracy and The Ugly American in post-conflict Macedonia, 2001-2008”
4:30 pm Gest 101
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Leslie Dwyer
“Post-Traumatic Politics: Humanitarianism and the Negotiation of Political Subjectivity in Indonesia”
4:30 pm Gest 101
Tuesday, Feb 10
Rosellen Roche
“‘It keeps it peaceful, if ye know what I mean’: perceptions of paramilitary control in ‘post-conflict’ Northern Ireland”
Gest 101; 4:30 pm
Thursday, Feb 12
Elizabeth Drexler
“Securing the Insecure State: Corrupt Histories, Imagined Enemies and Impunity”
Gest 101; 4:30 pm