Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Peace Collection Wins Film Preservation Grant

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection was recently awarded a grant from the National Film Preservation Foundation that will support the copying and preservation of five films documenting mid-20th century nonviolent movements. Created by members of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), the oldest religious, pacifist organization in the U.S., the films examine the philosophy on nonviolence, present different examples of successful nonviolent resistance, and contain footage of anti-nuclear demonstrations in 1959 and 1960.

Read the full story by Alex Weintraub ’11

FOR leader AJ Muste (in hat) on July 1, 1959, at the Mead Misslie Base as part of the Omaha Action, a series of civil disobedience events to protest above ground testing of atomic and hydrogen bombs.