Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Peter Singer on Effective Altruism and Ethics (at Haverford)

Peter Singer on Effective Altruism and Ethics (at Haverford)

From our friends at Haverford College:

On Thursday, September 15, at 7:30 pm in Founders Great Hall (note this change of venue) at Haverford College, Peter Singer, Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, will present a talk about Effective Altruism and its present development. Effective Altruism is a philosophical and social movement which applies evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to improve the world..

**Students and faculty who wish to have priority seating at the main event are encouraged to fill out this form. A limited amount of seating is available.**

Peter Singer

On Friday, September 16, at 4:30 PM in Stokes Auditorium (Stokes 131) at Haverford College, there will be a panel on “Ethics and the Ethicist: Perspectives on Peter Singer” featuring the following guests and short talks, with time for open conversation to follow. You do *not* have to have attended Singer’s talk to enjoy this panel (and vice versa).

“The Nonhuman Life You Could Save: A Critical Engagement with Peter Singer’s Support of Humane Meat”: Vasile Stanescu, Assistant Professor of Communication and Theater Arts, Mercer University

“Lives Not Worth Saving? Singer, Disability, and the Limits of Logic”: Kristin Lindgren, Director of College Writing Center and Visiting Assistant Professor of Writing, Haverford

“Competing Ethical Claims: Singer, Global Poverty, and a Defense of Local Food”: Samantha Noll, Visiting Assistant Professor of Peace, Justice, and Human Rights, Haverford

“Effective Altruism, Ineffective Imagination? Education, Social Change, and ‘Making a Difference’”: Eric Hartman, Director of the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, Haverford

The panel is open to the public. Sponsored by the Concentration in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights.
For more information, contact Professor Adam Rosenblatt, arosenblat@haverford.edu.