Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Samia Abbass (class of 2011) is studying in Northern Ireland this semester

Peace and Conflict Studies minor Samia Abbass ’11 (on the left) arrived in Derry/Londonderry in September to participate in the college’s Northern Ireland Semester. Michael Duffy ’11 and Sarah Brajtbord ’11 are also studying along with Samia.


Samia is participating in the college’s Northern Ireland Semester in Derry / Londonderry this fall. Students in the program are enrolled at the University of Ulster and Samia is taking classes on international politics, and the government and politics of Northern Ireland. In addition to attending lectures and trips organized by the program’s field directors, she is also interning with Swarthmore professor Teya Sepinuck on the Theatre of Witness production that will premier in October at the Playhouse. Developed by Teya, Theatre of Witness is an innovative style of multimedia dramatic production that bridges theatre and social justice by giving the victims of conflict and trauma a voice, and allowing them to bear witness to their suffering. An avid photographer, Samia is also working on a research project with Prof. Lee Smithey and Prof. Gregory Maney (Hofstra University) to map and analyze changing themes and placement of murals in West Belfast.