Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Swarthmore STAND to sponsor events on genocide

Several events sponsored by Swarthmore’s chapter of STAND are coming up!

April 9th – Swarthmore College will host French filmmaker Fabienne Le Houerou speak about “The impact of the decision of the International Court of Justice to arrest the Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir on the Darfurian refugees perspective” and see part of her documentary film from Darfur. Her website: http://www.imagmundi.com/indexImagmundi.php

Stay tuned for more events…

April 14th – a panel on the ICC. DRP will also be airing some of their clips and serving Ethiopian food.

April 30th- some Lost Boys from the area will be coming to speak

May 1st – we are partnering with Hillel and Ruach for Holocaust Memorial Day.