Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Valentino Achak Deng co-author of “What is the What” to speak on campus

Deng_EggersNovember 2, 2009

7:00 pm

Science Center 199

Valentino Achak Deng is the co-author (with David Eggers) of the 2006 National Book Critic’s Circle Award for Fiction Finalist book “What is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng”. Mr. Deng is a Sudanese Lost Boy, who survived the Sudanese Civil War in southern Sudan in the 1980s, and eventually came to be settled in America, where, with David Eggers he wrote about his life-story in “What is the What.” Mr. Deng will discuss his life in Sudan and as a refugee, his collaboration with Dave Eggers on “What is the What”, and his foundation’s work building schools, health clinics, and community centers in southern Sudan.

See the listing in the College Calendar.

Sponsored by Peace and Conflict Studies Department, Sam Green, Swat STAND, English Department, President’s Office, FFS, History Department, Political Science Department

[The Daily Gazette reported on the event.]

Sponsored by Peace and Conflict Studies Department, Sam Green, Swat STAND, English Department, President??s Office, FFS, History Department, Political Science Department