Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: abolition

  • TODAY: Learn about Joshua Evansc an active Quaker abolitionist

    Joshua Evans Event at Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College Wednesday, April 9, 4:30 PM Ralph Greene of New England Yearly Meeting will present a program on Joshua Evans (1741-1798). Evans was considered “singular” even by the Quakers. He was an early and active abolitionist, traveling as far South Carolina to bear testimony against enslavement,…

  • 175th Anniversary of the Burning of Pennsylvania Hall

    By Chris Densmore, Curator of the Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College May 14 was the 175th Anniversary of the 1838 opening of Pennsylvania Hall in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Hall was dedicated to “liberty and the rights of man.” Over the next three days the Hall hosted meetings of the Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women, the…

  • Quaker Rhetoric and the Birth of American Antislavery, 1657-1761

    We would like to share this exciting announcement from our friends in the Department of Religion and the Friends Historical Library. Visit the Quakers and Slavery exhibit online in Triptych. From Peace to Freedom Quaker Rhetoric and the Birth of American Antislavery, 1657-1761 Lecture by Brycchan Carey Wednesday, March 6, 7:00 pm, Friends Meeting House,…

  • Lucretia Mott Symposium – November 4

    Lucretia Mott Symposium, Swarthmore College Friday, November 4, 2011, 2:00 – 5:30 Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall, Swarthmore College Free and Open to the Public  (maps and directions) Lucretia Mott (1793-1880), Quaker minister, abolitionist and feminist,  a founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society, the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society and the “guiding spirit” behind the First Woman’s…