Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: activism

  • Historic Golden Rule Anti-Nuclear Vessel Comes to Philadelphia and Swarthmore College

    In 1958, an intrepid crew of (mainly) Quakers attempted to sail the small ship the “Golden Rule” to the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific, to try to “get in the way” of massive nuclear tests the United States was planning there. They were arrested in Honolulu, but they left a lasting legacy connecting peace…

  • Dancing with History: George Lakey TriCo Memoir Launch

    Dancing with History: George Lakey TriCo Memoir Launch

    We are thrilled to welcome our former colleague and Lang Professor, George Lakey, back to campus to help launch his latest book, a memoir, Dancing With History: A Life for Peace and Justice. Join us for this public TriCollege book talk sponsored by departments at Swarthmore, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr Colleges. A reception and book…

  • Prof. Amy Kapit Wins Research Grant To Study Student Activism

    Prof. Amy Kapit Wins Research Grant To Study Student Activism

    Let’s celebrate with Professor Amy Kapit, Visiting Assistant Professor of Peace & Conflict Studies! She has won the support of the Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund for her research into the suppression of university student activism and the development of a Student Rights Watch Report. This is important work that resonates strongly (especially with a long…

  • “Half-Mile, Upwind, on Foot” film screening and panel

    Please join us for a film screening of Half-Mile, Upwind, on Foot, with the filmmaker and anti-pipeline activists featured in the film. This film documents the efforts of two communities challenging fossil fuel pipeline projects in Pennsylvania, including the Mariner East 2 pipeline that cuts through Delaware County, not far from Swarthmore College. Wednesday, 13…

  • Nationalism, Class, and Activism in Lebanon in the Shadow of Syrian Civil War

    Nationalism, Class, and Activism in Lebanon in the Shadow of Syrian Civil War Yasemin Ipek, Assistant Professor in the Global Affairs Program, George Mason University Monday, April 1, 2019, 4:30-6 p.m. Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall Between 2011 and 2014, more than a million registered Syrian refugees came to Lebanon, making the tiny country host to…

  • Three “Reflections From the Field” events

    Three “Reflections From the Field” events

    We are thrilled to announce three upcoming events in “Reflections From The Field”, a new speaker series at Swarthmore College, which brings people working on the front lines of conflict and social change to campus to reflect upon *what* they do, *why* they do it and how *they* came to do it.   1. “These Birds Walk”, a film…

  • Strategic, Successful, and Spiritually Grounded Activism

    Strategic, Successful, and Spiritually Grounded Activism Speaker: Eileen Flanagan Wednesday, April 1, 2015; 5:00 PM Bond Hall at Swarthmore College (directions) 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA After five years of campaigning, Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) has pushed the seventh largest bank in the US into issuing a policy that effectively ends its investment in…

  • Waging Peace: David Hartsough book talk

    Waging Peace: David Hartsough book talk

    David Hartsough Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist Thursday, December 4, 2014 5:00 PM Bond Hall at Swarthmore College 500 College Ave, Swarthmore, PA This event is open to the public. Maps and directions to campus are available. A flyer is available for download. David Hartsough knows how to get in the way.…

  • Using Class and Race Awareness to strengthen Social Action

    Please be aware of this important upcoming workshop on “Using Class and Race Awareness to strengthen Social Action,” to be led at Pendle Hill by faculty and friends of our Peace and Conflict Studies program! Invitation to Pendle Hill Workshop on Action Groups Moving Forward George Lakey, Ingrid Lakey, and Sarah Willie-LeBreton will be leading…

  • Quaker Public Policy Institute and Lobby Day

    Any Peace and Conflict Studies folks interested in an opportunity to “lobby your member of Congress for a more moral federal budget”? The Friends Committee on National Legislation’s Quaker Public Policy Institute and Lobby Day is coming up November 15-16, 2012. Find more information at http://fcnl.org/events/annual_meeting/Lobby2012 UPDATE 10/31/12:  Young Adult Friends who are members of a Philadelphia Yearly…