Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: Christianity

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day Events 2014

    An exciting line-up of Martin Luther King Jr. Day events is lined up for next week: MLK Welcome Luncheon and Keynote Speaker Collin Williams Jr.: “Like You’ve Never Seen Obstacles” Sharing his personal experiences as a first-generation college graduate with West Indian roots, Collin Williams, Jr. will give a riveting talk on the struggles of…

  • Video: Dr. David Tombs lecture on sexualized violence and crucifixion

    We want to extend our profound thanks to Dr. David Tombs for his excellent well-researched lecture on “The Scandal of the Cross: Sexualised Violence, Silence and Crucifixion” on November 20, 2013. You can view the lecture below. In addition to his lecture, David visited Lee Smithey’s class on “Transforming Intractable Conflict” and offered an information…

  • Press Release for Tombs lecture on the Cross and Sexualized Violence

    The Scandal of the Cross: Sexualised Violence, Silence and Crucifixion SWARTHMORE – 20 November, 2013 – How contemporary reports of torture and sexualised violence can offer new understanding of the crucifixion will be explored at a public talk at Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, November 20th, 2013  at 4:15 p.m. in the Scheuer Room of…