Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: climate change

  • Events Near Swarthmore This Weekend, 12/1/2017-12/3-2017

    This weekend, December 1-2, Pendle Hill, the Quaker retreat center on the other side of Crum Wood is holding a one-day (and one evening) workshop: Right to Refuse: When Community Rights and Corporate Rights Conflict and What to Do Next Featuring: Chad Nicholson, Malinda Harnish Clatterbuck, Dianne Herrin, and Paula Kline https://pendlehill.org/events/right-refuse-community-rights-corporate-rights-conflict-next/ Whether it is…

  • UPCOMING WORKSHOP — Weaving the Threads: Intersectionality, Sustainability & Environmental Justice

    UPCOMING WORKSHOP — Weaving the Threads: Intersectionality, Sustainability & Environmental Justice

    How do we identify and address intersectional concerns (e.g. from racism, to poverty, to militarism, to homelessness, and more) in our sustainability work and activism? How do we connect our various initiatives within a framework of environmental justice? How do we communicate these visions with others? On Monday, November 20, join Peace and Conflict Studies and Environmental Studies for a workshop with…

  • Gratitude for Ann Yasuhara

    Gratitude for Ann Yasuhara

    We have learned that one of our Swarthmore alums, Ann Yasuhara, passed away on June 11,2014. Ann, a Quaker, had become a strong influence in the direct action organization, Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT), working to end mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. Friends lovingly referred to her as their “Mountain Woman”. EQAT recently honored…

  • Earth Quaker Action Team honors its Elders

    It was a privilege to be at Earth Quaker Action Team’s ceremony honoring their elders at the Friends Center on Cherry Street in Philadelphia on Sunday, January 26. Attendees included a number of Swarthmore alums and faculty. Alexa Ross ’13 delivered a wonderful tribute to Peace and Conflict Studies Prof. George Lakey, and Robin Harper, a…

  • Report on Tri-college trip to PJSA 2012

    Fifteen peace and conflict studies and environmental studies students and faculty from the Tri-Colleges (Swarthmore, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr) attended this year’s Peace and Justice Studies Association meetings at Tufts University October 4-6, 2012. [Tri-College Trip to the 2012 Peace and Justice Studies Meeting at Tufts University from Swarthmore Peace Studies on Vimeo.] This year’s…

  • Fossil Fuel Student Convergence

    Over 200 people from 70 student campaigns nationwide are coming to Swarthmore for a Fossil Fuel Student Convergence organized by Swarthmore Mountain Justice. Guests include speakers from communities fighting extraction, socially responsible investment funds, and programs focused on intersectionality and environment. There are several events open to the wider community, and the organizers are excited to…

  • Teach-in on Climate Change and Divestment

    Faculty will speak briefly on a variety of issues, and then open the floor to questions and discussions. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH, 2013 8:30 PM – 10:30 PM SCHEUER ROOM All students welcome FACULTY PARTICIPANTS: BETSY BOLTON PETER COLLINGS MARK KUPERBERG GIOVANNA DI CHIRO CINDY HALPERN PHILIP JEFFERSON GEORGE LAKEY LEE SMITHEY MARK WALLACE