Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: conference

  • The International Peace Research Association Conference is Free for all Students to Attend this year

    The 28th Biennial conference of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) is being held January 11-15 in a hybrid format (online and in Nairobi, Kenya), and registration has been made completely free for all undergraduate and graduate students this year. If you would like to register, simply fill out the form below and email it to…

  • Swarthmore Hosts Aspiring Academics of Color at Mellon Mays Conference

    Swarthmore Hosts Aspiring Academics of Color at Mellon Mays Conference

    Swarthmore Hosts Aspiring Academics of Color at Mellon Mays Conference The Communications Office 14 November 2019   Jayanti Owens ’06 credits the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program with playing a “defining role” in her Swarthmore experience and in her decision to pursue graduate school. Now the Mary Tefft and John Hazen White, Sr. Assistant Professor of Sociology and…

  • Swarthmore Presbyterian Hosts Free Peacemaking Conference October 18 -20, 2013

    The upcoming Peacemaking Conference at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church features several members of the Swarthmore College community, past and present! The conference is open to the public and within walking distance of our campus. Swarthmore Presbyterian Hosts Free Peacemaking Conference October 18 -20, 2013 A three-day peacemaking conference, “Conflict, Faith, Peace,” October 18, 19, and 20, at…

  • Fossil Fuel Student Convergence

    Over 200 people from 70 student campaigns nationwide are coming to Swarthmore for a Fossil Fuel Student Convergence organized by Swarthmore Mountain Justice. Guests include speakers from communities fighting extraction, socially responsible investment funds, and programs focused on intersectionality and environment. There are several events open to the wider community, and the organizers are excited to…

  • Trip to the PJSA meetings in Massachusetts

    I hope everyone’s summer is off to a fine start and congratulations to all of our seniors who graduated yesterday. Time to start thinking about next year already!   The 2012 Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference will be held October 4-6 at Tufts University in Medford, MA, which is within driving distance of Philadelphia…

  • Follow the Peace and Justice Studies Association conference online

    The Peace and Justice Studies Association 2011 meeting is being held at Christian Brothers University in Memphis, TN, October 20-23.  The PJSA has partnered with the Gandhi King Youth Conference to design a joint conference this year. You can follow the conference online. Follow and contribute to the #pjsa-gkc hashtag on Twitter, or watch the…