Observing Nonviolent Action for Climate Justice
On Wednesday, a group of students from Professor Smithey’s Climate Disruption, Conflict, and Peacemaking course observed a nonviolent action mounted by Earth Quaker Action Team. EQAT has called on the private electric utility PECO to distribute 20% of its electricity from local solar installations by 2025. Currently, solar makes up less than half of one…
Prof. George Lakey to begin week-long fast over coal mining
As I write this, Visiting Lang Professor, George Lakey has begun a week-long fast (with only water) from April 7-13 for the people of Appalachia, with a concern for PNC Bank’s funding of mountaintop removal coal mining. This is part of a 40-day fast conducted by Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT), leading up to the annual shareholders meeting…
Prof. Lakey nears Pittsburgh in walk across Pennsylvania for jobs, justice, and a sustainable environment
For those of you who are not aware, Professor George Lakey is walking 200 miles across Pennsylvania as part of Earth Quaker Action Team to promote sustainable environmental strategy and challenge PNC bank to stop funding mountaintop removal. Today is Day 13 (nearly two weeks!) and the team expects to arrive in Pittsburgh on Wednesday.…
George Lakey and Green Walk for Jobs and Justice
The Earth Quaker Action Team (eqat.org) is committed to Shining the Light on PNC Bank’s investments in companies that practice mountaintop removal coal mining — a practice that has devastated Appalachian communities, causing increased rates of poverty, unemployment, health symptoms, cancer and birth defects. George Lakey,Lang Research Fellow and Visiting Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, along with about seven…
Prof. Lakey to walk across Pennsylvania
Photo: m.gifford via flickr The Philadelphia City Paper reports that our own Prof. George Lakey is to walk across Pennsylvania to protest PNC Bank financing mountaintop-removal coal mining. You can also follow his regular column at Waging Nonviolence.