Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: Global Nonviolent Action Database

  • Webinar on the Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements

    Webinar on the Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements

    On November 15, 2018, Prof. Lee Smithey joined his co-editor and colleague, Prof. Lester Kurtz (George Mason University) to talk about their new edited book, The Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements (Syracuse University Press). The webinar was recorded, and you are welcome to view it here. The Communications Office, also published a piece on…

  • Gene Sharp has died and the world has lost a global educator

    We join with so many scholars and activists around the world who appreciate the life and work of Gene Sharp, who died on January 28, 2018 at the age of 90. His impact on our work is hard to express. We are so grateful. Jørgen Johansen has offered a beautiful and informative orbituary that we…

  • Animating Resistance: Live Cinema Explorations of the Global Nonviolent Action Database

    Animating Resistance: Live Cinema Explorations of the Global Nonviolent Action Database

    Animating Resistance: Live Cinema Explorations of the Global Nonviolent Action Database Prof. Ali Momeni, Carnegie Mellon University 19 April: 5:00 p.m. Artist’s Lecture in Science Center Room 101 20 April: 12:30-6:30 pm and 8:00-10:00 pm Workshop in Kohlberg 326 Language Center 21 April: 8:00 pm Outdoor Performance (Pearson Hall Lawn. Rain Location: LPAC Lobby) More…

  • Spring 2017 course: Strategy and Nonviolent Struggle

    PEAC 071B / SOCI 071B / POLS 081 Strategy and Nonviolent Struggle is a research seminar and writing course that contributes to the widely recognized Global Nonviolent Action Database, which is housed at Swarthmore College. See http://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu Great news: The course will be offered during the spring semester of 2017!  Got questions?  Contact Prof. Lee…

  • Nefertiti’s Daughters: Street Art of the Egyptian Uprisings

    From our friends in Modern Languages and Literatures Nefertiti’s Daughters: Street Art of the Egyptian Uprisings Director Mark Nickolas will be joining us for a screening of his award winning documentary Nefertiti’s Daughters (2015, 40 minutes) followed by a Q&A session. November 20, 2015; 2:15-4:00 p.m. Kohlberg Hall Room 228 Swarthmore College (directions) Nefertiti’s Daughters…

  • How Nonviolent Movements Can Deal with Repression and Violence

    Prof. Lee Smithey will be part of a guest Twitter panel on “How Nonviolent Movements Can Deal with Repression and Violence” on Thursday, August 20 at 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. EST The panel is being sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace Global Campus course on “Civil Resistance and the Dynamics of Nonviolent Movements.”…

  • New cases added to the Global Nonviolent Action Database

    New cases added to the Global Nonviolent Action Database

    Seventy-six new cases have been added to the Global Nonviolent Action Database by students in the spring semester Strategy and Nonviolent Struggle course at Swarthmore College. The Global Nonviolent Action Database presents cases of nonviolent civil resistance from around the world, spanning decades and even hundreds of years. Data is provided in a narrative format, and…

  • For Fall 2015! Research Seminar: Strategy and Nonviolent Struggle

    PEAC 071B. Research Seminar: Strategy and Nonviolent Struggle (Cross-listed as POLS 081 / SOCI 071B) will be offered during the Spring Semester 2015.   This one-credit research seminar involves working and updating the Global Nonviolent Action Database which can be accessed by activists and scholars worldwide at http://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu. The database was built at Swarthmore College and…

  • Fall 2015 Line-up of Peace & Conflict Studies Courses

    In addition to all of the excellent courses offered across campus that may be counted toward a minor in Peace and Conflicts Studies, our own program curriculum is expanding next year! PEAC 015. Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies In Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies, we learn that peace and conflict are not mutually…

  • Global Nonviolent Action Database research seminar offered Spring 2015

    We are thrilled to celebrate the fact that the Global Nonviolent Action Database, housed here in the Peace and Conflict Studies Program at Swarthmore College, reached 1,000 cases this summer! Even more, we can announce that PEAC 071B. Research Seminar: Strategy and Nonviolent Struggle (Cross-listed as SOAN 071B) will be offered during the Spring Semester 2015. Professor Smithey…