Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: International Day of Peace

  • Magda and Andre Trocme and Nonviolent Resistance

    As part of our recognition of International Peace Day this year: Two Pacifists and Their Way of Life: Magda and Andre Trocme and Nonviolent Resistance Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:30 p.m. Scheuer Room Richard Unsworth, author of A Portrait of Pacifists: Le Chambon, the Holocaust and the Lives of Andre and Magda Trocme (Syracuse University…

  • Peace One Day film screening marked the International Day of Peace

    To mark the International Day of Peace on September 21, Swarthmore students and faculty gathered in the Science Center to view the film, Peace One Day, that documents the journey of Jeremy Gilley as he lobbied world leaders and organized grassroots supporters to formalize an international day of peace under the auspices of the United…

  • Livestreaming PeaceDayTV in the lead-up to International Peace Day on September 21

    We’re Livestreaming PeaceDayTV on our website in the lead-up to International Peace Day on September 21. Watch live streaming video from peacedaytv at livestream.com

  • “Peace One Day” film screening on Sept. 21, International Peace Day

    What will you do to make peace on September 21, 2011, the International Day of Peace? Join the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility and the Peace and Conflict Studies Program for a screening of “Peace One Day” followed by a moderated discussion with Profs. Jennifer Magee and Lee Smithey about the documentary and…

  • Swatties Mark International Day of Peace

    To celebrate the International Day of Peace on September 21, Students for a Democratic Society organized a human peace sign on Parrish Beach.

  • Watch coverage of the International Day of Peace, September 17-21

    The International Day of Peace falls on September 21 each year.  This year, as the UN’s International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World draws to a close, thousands of events are being planned around the world to signal a global yearning for peace and an intention to…