Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: Lakey

  • Video by George Lakey on Nonviolent Action

    Professor George Lakey produced a video this summer drawing on the Global Nonviolent Action Database for a new curriculum being developed by the United Nations Institute for Training and Development (UNITAR) in Geneva, Switzerland. The video outlines three different applications of nonviolent action/civil resistance.  

  • New course on Security and Defense: Nonviolent Strategies

    Advising is coming up, and Prof. George Lakey will be offering a new course in Peace and Conflict Studies for Fall 2013! SECURITY AND DEFENSE:  NONVIOLENT STRATEGIES PEAC 040 / SOAN 040 H Threats to security exist on many levels: environment, community, nation, human rights, and others.  People naturally mobilize for defense, but often choose…

  • Prof. Lakey nears Pittsburgh in walk across Pennsylvania for jobs, justice, and a sustainable environment

    For those of you who are not aware, Professor George Lakey is walking 200 miles across Pennsylvania as part of Earth Quaker Action Team to promote sustainable environmental strategy and challenge PNC bank to stop funding mountaintop removal. Today is Day 13 (nearly two weeks!) and the team expects to arrive in Pittsburgh on Wednesday.…

  • George Lakey and Green Walk for Jobs and Justice

    The Earth Quaker Action Team (eqat.org) is committed to Shining the Light on PNC Bank’s investments in companies that practice mountaintop removal coal mining — a practice that has devastated Appalachian communities, causing increased rates of poverty, unemployment, health symptoms, cancer and birth defects. George Lakey,Lang Research Fellow and Visiting Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, along with about seven…

  • Prof. Lakey to walk across Pennsylvania

    Photo: m.gifford via flickr The Philadelphia City Paper reports that our own Prof. George Lakey is to walk across Pennsylvania to protest PNC Bank financing mountaintop-removal coal mining.  You can also follow his regular column at Waging Nonviolence.

  • Listen to Prof. George Lakey on #Occupy

    In case you missed Peace and Conflict Studies Prof. George Lakey’s interview about the Occupy movement on Radio Times today, you can listen at the bottom of this post or on the Radio Times site. Summary From Radio Times: Occupy protesters were evicted in Philadelphia and Los Angeles overnight. We’ll get an update on the…