Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: mural

  • Dee Craig installs first cloth murals in Europe

    Many will remember the Mellon Creative Residency that brought Northern Ireland mural artist, Dee Craig, to the Tri-Colleges in the fall of 2014. Craig installed a collage in Kohlberg Hall and a large mural on the side of the Science Center, hosted an exhibit on mural arts in McCabe Library and guest lectured in classes…

  • Video of Dee Craig mural installation on campus

    Video of Dee Craig mural installation on campus

    A few weeks ago, we posted a video of the collage installation by Dee Craig and Paul Downie on the second floor of Kohlberg Hall. Now, there is also a video of the mural installation on the side of the Science Center that was part of Craig’s Mellon Creative Residency this semester. Dee Craig Mural…

  • Mural launch at Swarthmore College

    Mellon Creative Residency Mural Launch Tuesday, November 12, 2013 12:00 Noon Science Center Wall closest to DuPont Parking Lot (Directions) The large mural being painted on Swarthmore’s campus by Mellon Creative Resident, David “Dee” Craig, will be launched on TUESDAY, November 12 at 12:00 NOON on the southeast corner of the Swarthmore College Science Center…