Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: nationalism

  • Ultra-Nationalism and the Divinity of Bureaucracy in Israel

    Mizrahi Mothers, Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Ultra-Nationalism and the Divinity of Bureaucracy in Israel ASmadar Lavie Professor of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley Thursday, October 29, 2015 4:30 p.m. Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall, Swarthmore College (directions) Israeli-American anthropologist Smadar Lavie will discuss her new book, “Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and…

  • Militant Buddhism, Nationalism, Ethnic Identity, and Politics in Sri Lanka

    A Talk on Militant Buddhism, Nationalism, Ethnic Identity, and Politics in Sri Lanka “The Politics and the Anti-politics of the Bodu Bala Sena in Sri Lanka” A Talk by Tudor Silva Senior Professor of Sociology University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 4:30 Thursday October 30 2014 Bond Memorial Hall Swarthmore College Professor Silva’s talk will focus…

  • Identity Formation in Nonviolent Struggle

    Professor Smithey has contributed a chapter on “Identity Formation in Nonviolent Struggle” to a new book edited by Maciej Bartkowski, Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles. (Lynne Rienner Publishers) Smithey’s chapter serves as a theoretical primer on the social movement literature on collective identities and the under-explored connections with strategic action.  Other chapters cover…