Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: Nepal

  • Nimesh Ghimire wins image competition for Peace Innovation Lab

    Just spotted this on the facebook page for the Peace Innovation lab in Nepal, co-founded by Nimesh Ghimere ’15: Peace Innovation Lab’s Nimesh Ghimire was adjudged one of the winners of a regional image competition organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – Bangkok. Nimesh’s work (a photograph taken while on…

  • Nimesh Ghimire ’15 Receives Davis Project for Peace Award to Strengthen Efforts in Nepal

    From Swarthmore College News and Events.  See the original story at http://www.swarthmore.edu/news-and-events/nimesh-ghimire-15-receives-davis-project-for-peace-award.xml by Erin Kelly April 12, 2013 Nimesh Ghimire ’15 is the recipient of a Davis Project for Peace Award that will allow him to direct, establish, and strengthen the recently launchedPeace Innovation Lab (PIL) at Shree Gyanodaya Higher Secondary School in Sahilitar, a rural village in western Nepal.…

  • Nimesh Ghimire ‘15 Awarded Davis Project for Peace Grant to Establish ‘Peace Innovation Camp’ in Nepal

    Congratulations to Nimesh Ghimire ‘15 for winning a Davis Project for Peace Award.  Here is the organization’s press release: 106-year-old philanthropist renews Projects for Peace grants for college students  Swarthmore College Student Project to Provide a Wireless Internet Network and Runs a Week long ‘Peace Innovation Camp’ in Rural Nepal  MIDDLEBURY, Vt. – College students across…