Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: Pendle Hill

  • Applying Lessons from the Life of Bayard Rustin to Quaker Work at the UN

    Applying Lessons from the Life of Bayard Rustin to Quaker Work at the UN

    Our friends nearby at the Pendle Hill Quaker center are announcing their annual Stephen G. Cary Memorial lecture, and this year’s speaker is Sarah Clarke, Director of the Quaker UN Office in New York. She will talk about “Applying Lessons from the Life of Bayard Rustin to Quaker Work at the UN.” A number of…

  • Vanessa Julye to deliver  Cary Lecture at Pendle Hill: “Radical Transformation: Long Overdue for the Religious Society of Friends”

    Vanessa Julye to deliver Cary Lecture at Pendle Hill: “Radical Transformation: Long Overdue for the Religious Society of Friends”

    We are happy to share an important invitation from our friends and neighbors at the nearby Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center (in walking distance, just on the other side of Crum Wood). This year’s Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture will be delivered on September 13, 2021 by Vanessa Julye. Her talk is titled “Radical Transformation:…

  • Holding Tension – Making a Place at the Table for Continuing Revelation

    Holding Tension – Making a Place at the Table for Continuing Revelation

    This year’s Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture at Pendle Hill will be delivered by Swarthmore’s own Prof. Sarah Willie-LeBreton! Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2018 “Holding Tension – Making a Place at the Table for Continuing Revelation” by Sarah Willie-LeBreton April 2, 2018 7:30pm-9:00pm in the Barn at Pendle Hill. In this talk, I assume…

  • Events Near Swarthmore This Weekend, 12/1/2017-12/3-2017

    This weekend, December 1-2, Pendle Hill, the Quaker retreat center on the other side of Crum Wood is holding a one-day (and one evening) workshop: Right to Refuse: When Community Rights and Corporate Rights Conflict and What to Do Next Featuring: Chad Nicholson, Malinda Harnish Clatterbuck, Dianne Herrin, and Paula Kline https://pendlehill.org/events/right-refuse-community-rights-corporate-rights-conflict-next/ Whether it is…

  • Quaker Indian Boarding Schools and Moral Economies at Pendle Hill

    It’s an exciting fall semester of programming across Crum Woods at Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center. Check out these events coming up in November and December! The Quaker Indian Boarding Schools: Facing our History and Ourselves Monday, November 7, 2016 Free 7:00pm-9:00pm in the barn, livestreaming available In the 1800s, Quakers and other Christian denominations collaborated…

  • How to Start a Revolution

    There are two local opportunities this week to screen and discuss the documentary “How to Start a Revolution” about Gene Sharp’s long career and groundbreaking work in developing the theory of nonviolent strategic action. Pendle Hill will show the film on July 1, 7:30-9:00 p.m. as part of its First Mondays series.  Professor Lee Smithey…