Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: race

  • Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life

    Peace and Conflict Studies is happy to co-sponsor a free and public screening of Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life Documentary Film Screening and Q&A Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of LifeWednesday, March 29, at 7:30pm in Science Center 101  The film’s director Patrice O’Neill (Not in Our Town, https://www.niot.org/) will screen the film and…

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2022

    A few years ago, the College began celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a holiday, so the College is closed, and classes don’t begin until tomorrow! MLK Day is always an important one for our program given our commitment to studying and understanding the powerful and nonviolent pursuit of more just and collaborative relations,…

  • Vanessa Julye to deliver  Cary Lecture at Pendle Hill: “Radical Transformation: Long Overdue for the Religious Society of Friends”

    Vanessa Julye to deliver Cary Lecture at Pendle Hill: “Radical Transformation: Long Overdue for the Religious Society of Friends”

    We are happy to share an important invitation from our friends and neighbors at the nearby Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center (in walking distance, just on the other side of Crum Wood). This year’s Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture will be delivered on September 13, 2021 by Vanessa Julye. Her talk is titled “Radical Transformation:…

  • Religion, Race, and Environmental Activism after Standing Rock

    All are invited to an event on Tuesday (April 20) at 7:00 p.m.: “Religion, Race, and Environmental Activism after Standing Rock” at Montclair State University. Professor Smithey will participate in the panel that follows a screening of Half-Mile, Upwind, On Foot. Some of you will remember a similar film screening at Swarthmore College in 2019.…

  • Swarthmore Hosts Aspiring Academics of Color at Mellon Mays Conference

    Swarthmore Hosts Aspiring Academics of Color at Mellon Mays Conference

    Swarthmore Hosts Aspiring Academics of Color at Mellon Mays Conference The Communications Office 14 November 2019   Jayanti Owens ’06 credits the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program with playing a “defining role” in her Swarthmore experience and in her decision to pursue graduate school. Now the Mary Tefft and John Hazen White, Sr. Assistant Professor of Sociology and…

  • How the 1971 Burglary of the Media, PA, FBI Office Changed History: A Conversation with Keith Forsyth, Bonnie Raines, and Betty Medsger

    Peace and Conflict Studies is co-sponsoring this awesome event tomorrow! “How the 1971 Burglary of the Media, PA, FBI Office Changed History” Round table discussion with: Keith Forsyth, antiwar activist and burglar, auto worker, optical engineer and jazz guitarist; Bonnie Raines, anti-war activist and burglar, civil rights activist and advocate for the needs of children;…

  • Climate Justice and Civil Rights

    Climate Justice and Civil Rights

    Please mark your calendar for an exciting event serving as the capstone for Black History Month and the opening for Women’s History Month: March 2, 2018 Public Lecture “Climate Justice and Civil Rights” 1:30-2:30pm: Swarthmore Meeting House Reception and Gathering 3:30-5:00pm: Black Cultural Center You are invited to a public lecture and conversation with Jacqueline…

  • Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice

    Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice

    Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice Please join us for a lecture by Vanessa Julye Monday, February 26th at 4:15 pm Black Cultural Center Ms. Julye is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting and she is Friends General Conference’s Coordinator for the Committee for Nurturing Ministries…

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Fixing the Jericho Road

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Fixing the Jericho Road

    By Lee Smithey I hope everyone finds an opportunity to reflect and take some sort of action (or preparation for action) in pursuit of justice and peace on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. While the nation focuses on service, I am usually drawn on this day to Dr. King’s speech, “Beyond Vietnam.” Public schools are…

  • Collection on Charlottesville

    On Thursday, September 7th, 7-8 pm, the Collection Committee and Peace and Conflict Studies will co-host a Collection at the Friends Meetinghouse.  This Collection is an opportunity to reflect  on recent and ongoing events. We will open with remarks from Michael Nafziger ’18 entitled: “Understanding Charlottesville: Reflections from Michael Nafziger ’18, a Peace and Conflict Studies Quaker Student from Charlottesville”   The second part of the Collection will follow…