Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: religion

  • Vanessa Julye to deliver  Cary Lecture at Pendle Hill: “Radical Transformation: Long Overdue for the Religious Society of Friends”

    Vanessa Julye to deliver Cary Lecture at Pendle Hill: “Radical Transformation: Long Overdue for the Religious Society of Friends”

    We are happy to share an important invitation from our friends and neighbors at the nearby Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center (in walking distance, just on the other side of Crum Wood). This year’s Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture will be delivered on September 13, 2021 by Vanessa Julye. Her talk is titled “Radical Transformation:…

  • Religion, Race, and Environmental Activism after Standing Rock

    All are invited to an event on Tuesday (April 20) at 7:00 p.m.: “Religion, Race, and Environmental Activism after Standing Rock” at Montclair State University. Professor Smithey will participate in the panel that follows a screening of Half-Mile, Upwind, On Foot. Some of you will remember a similar film screening at Swarthmore College in 2019.…

  • Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice

    Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice

    Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice Please join us for a lecture by Vanessa Julye Monday, February 26th at 4:15 pm Black Cultural Center Ms. Julye is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting and she is Friends General Conference’s Coordinator for the Committee for Nurturing Ministries…

  • Peace and Conflict Studies To Welcome Dr. Zachary Moon on Tuesday, October 31 2017

    Peace and Conflict Studies To Welcome Dr. Zachary Moon on Tuesday, October 31 2017

    Peace and Conflict Studies at Swarthmore is proud to welcome Dr. Zachary Moon for a public lecture on Tuesday, October 31, 2017. Zachary Moon, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at Chicago Theological Seminary. He has served as a military chaplain since 2011. He is the author of Coming Home: Ministry That Matters with…

  • Amnesty or Expulsion: What Our Religious Traditions Teach Us about Dealing with Undocumented Immigrants

    The Interfaith Center invites you to its inaugural discussion in its Religion and Society series entitled: “Amnesty or Expulsion: What Our Religious Traditions Teach Us about Dealing with Undocumented Immigrants” Wednesday, November 2 from 4:30pm to 6:00pm in Bond Hall The discussion will be led by: Aurora Camacho de Schmidt, Professor Emeritus and Immigrant Rights…

  • Ellen Ross awarded Howard M. and Charles F. Jenkins Professorship of Quakerism and Peace Studies

    Yesterday, we got the fabulous news that Ellen Ross has been awarded the Howard M. and Charles F. Jenkins Professorship of Quakerism and Peace Studies! Congratulations to Ellen on a well-earned accolade!    

  • Engaging Human Differences: a teach in with Professor David Kyuman Kim

    Engaging Human Differences: A teach in with Professor David Kyuman Kim February 19, 2015 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Kohlberg Hall Room 116 Swarthmore College (directions) Ferguson, Staten Island/NYC, Paris. Philadelphia. In this time of intensifying and proliferating tensions regarding how the law and the police state engage human differences of race, religion, gender, sexuality, and…

  • Interreligious Dialogue in Israel and the Middle East

    “The Other Peace Process: The Role of Interreligious Dialogue in Israel and the Middle East” Sunday, October 26 4:00 pm Kohlberg 116, Swarthmore College Featuring Rabbi Dr. Ron Kronish Founder and Director of the Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel (ICCI) since 1992, Ron Kronish is also a noted rabbi, educator, author, lecturer and speaker. He…

  • Practicing Impolite Conversations: Talking About Race, Religion, Politics, and Everything Else

    The final, culminating event of the Critical Examinations of “Community” series will be a lecture and public discussion led by the remarkable anthropologist John L. Jackson, Richard Perry Professor of Communication, Africana Studies and Anthropology; University of Pennsylvania. Wednesday March 26, 2014 at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Science Center 101 Swarthmore College (map) A cultural anthropologist…