Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: security

  • Challenges to immigrant communities under Trump

    President Donald Trump campaigned on aggressively curtailing immigration to the US and ‘securing’ US boarders by stopping the flow of immigrants. In the weeks since taking office, the new administration rapidly moved through a series of executive orders, which left the nation’s airports in chaos, spurred national protests, and brought broad, although not universal, rebuke…

  • Israel/Palestine Film Series – Fall 2016

    Israel/Palestine Film Series – Fall 2016

    The Peace and Conflict Studies program will be organizing another Israel/Palestine Film Series this semester. Screenings are open to the entire community, and we hope you will join us. Israel/Palestine Film Series Sponsored by Swarthmore Peace and Conflict Studies All screenings are on Wednesdays at 4:15pm in the Lang Performing Arts Cinema September 7: Promises Israeli filmmaker documents a group…

  • New course on Security and Defense: Nonviolent Strategies

    Advising is coming up, and Prof. George Lakey will be offering a new course in Peace and Conflict Studies for Fall 2013! SECURITY AND DEFENSE:  NONVIOLENT STRATEGIES PEAC 040 / SOAN 040 H Threats to security exist on many levels: environment, community, nation, human rights, and others.  People naturally mobilize for defense, but often choose…

  • Recap: Sanger, Awad, and Alwadi

    We have had a busy and engaging couple of weeks in Peace and Conflict Studies with events on nonviolent resistance in the Middle East, U.S. foreign policy, mountaintop removal, and women and violence in the Congo. Here are some pictures and video offered as a brief recap: (click on the thumbnails below for larger images)…