Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Upcoming Event: Looking at the World Through the Lens of Torture

From our friends in Interpretation Theory:

Looking at the World Through the Lens of Torture

photo of Lisa HajjarMonday, February 17, 2014

4:30 p.m.

Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall

Lisa Hajjar

Professor of Sociology

University of California, Santa Barbara

Lisa Hajjar will address the significance of torture (and anti-torture) to understand historical developments in the relationship among law, state, and society. To illustrate, she will discuss the development of clandestine politics of American torture in the 20th century, and the ramifications of officially-sanctioned torture in the 21st century in the context of the “war on terror.” She will also highlight various forms of anti-torture work in the realms of law, media and popular culture.

Hajjar’s areas of expertise include sociology of law, law and society, international and global studies, and political sociology. Her research interests include human rights, international law, torture, war and

conflict. Her first book, Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza (University of California Press, 2005) is a sociological study of law and conflict in Israel/Palestine. She is

currently working on a book about anti-torture lawyering in the U.S. in post-9/11.

Sponsored by Interpretation Theory and Islamic Studies Programs, the French Section of Modern Languages, and Department of History


One response to “Upcoming Event: Looking at the World Through the Lens of Torture”

  1. inam ul haq Avatar
    inam ul haq

    me inam ul haq from jammu and Kashmir wants to say that jammu and kashmir has the most track records of violating human rights through Indian security forces and armed militants of Pakistan through the lens of rape, torture,extrajudicial killing,disappearance.Among the contemporary global disputes, Kashmir is the longest unresolved dispute on the agenda of united nations security council.there are twenty three united nations resolution on Kashmir, all asking for resolution of dispute on the basis of self determination from successive government of India…..incomplete reply on my mail