Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Local screening of Budrus and the Declare Peace Fair

For anyone who is around for the summer and missed our screening of Budrus in the spring semester, you can see it Friday, July 1, at 7:00 p.m. at the Peace Center of Delaware County, 1001 Old Sproul Road, Springfield, PA.


Then you can attend the Declare Peace Fair on Independence Mall on Saturday, July 2, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Independence Visitors Center at 6th and Market Streets.

  • Music (including Tom Mullian and friends)
  • Dramatic Readings
  • Poetry
  • Story-Telling
  • Speakers
  • Literature/Display tables.
  • For more information call the Brandywine Peace Community at 610-544-1818.