Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: law

  • Peace and Conflict Studies Student Paris Shan ’23 Shares Internship Experience With Advocates For Human Rights

    Peace and Conflict Studies Student Paris Shan ’23 Shares Internship Experience With Advocates For Human Rights

    Paris Shan ’23 is a Peace and Conflict Studies minor student at Swarthmore College. This summer, she was actively engaged with the Advocates for Human Rights in an internship. She describes her internship experience with ties to interviews, research, data analysis, and importantly the education she received at Swarthmore and in Peace & Conflict Studies.…

  • The World that Created Boko Haram: Gender and the Islamic Revolution in Northern Nigeria

    The World that Created Boko Haram: Gender and the Islamic Revolution in Northern Nigeria

    Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 4:30 PM — Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall The World that Created Boko Haram: Gender and the Islamic Revolution in Northern Nigeria Starting in 1999, twelve northern Nigerian states began the process of reimplementing full shari’ia penal codes in response to massive grassroots demand. A few years later, the process was widely…

  • Challenges to immigrant communities under Trump

    President Donald Trump campaigned on aggressively curtailing immigration to the US and ‘securing’ US boarders by stopping the flow of immigrants. In the weeks since taking office, the new administration rapidly moved through a series of executive orders, which left the nation’s airports in chaos, spurred national protests, and brought broad, although not universal, rebuke…

  • Confronting War Crimes in the Middle East and Africa

    Confronting War Crimes in the Middle East and Africa A conversation with Sofia Candeias, international lawyer and member of the United Nations Team of Experts on Sexual Violence and the Rule of Law Friday, February 17th, 2017 4:30 pm Kohlberg 115 Come listen to intimate reflections of those working on the front lines of today’s conflict and…

  • Law as a Tool for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution

    Law as a Tool for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution Mark Schwartz ‘75 Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 4:30-6:00 p.m. Kohlberg Hall, Room 228 Swarthmore College (directions) This talk and discussion will feature a Swarthmore alum who has run his own private law practice for decades in service of social justice.   Mark Schwartz will discuss how the…

  • Egypt’s Constitutional Quagmires: Pursuing Reform in Precarious Times

    From our friends in the Arabic Section and Islamic Studies: “Egypt’s Constitutional Quagmires: Pursuing Reform in Precarious Times.” Tamer Nagy Mahmoud Monday, March 31 at 4:30PM Science Center 101 Swarthmore College In this talk Tamer Nagy Mahmoud will discuss Egypt’s present crisis from the perspective of constitutional law. Tamer spent much of the last few…

  • Social Justice Speaker Series at Haverford College

    SOCIAL JUSTICE SPEAKER SERIES Carlos Castresana Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Spain Carlos Castresana, Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Spain, has dedicated most of his career to Criminal Law. As Prosecutor against organized crime, he confronted the most powerful transnational cartels dealing with drug trafficking and money laundering. Subsequently, as Anticorruption…

  • Upcoming Event: Looking at the World Through the Lens of Torture

    From our friends in Interpretation Theory: Looking at the World Through the Lens of Torture Monday, February 17, 2014 4:30 p.m. Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall Lisa Hajjar Professor of Sociology University of California, Santa Barbara Lisa Hajjar will address the significance of torture (and anti-torture) to understand historical developments in the relationship among law, state,…

  • How death penalty defense lawyers cope with stress and trauma

    Fighting for Their Lives — A Talk by Susannah Sheffer ‘86 Friday, Sept. 27, 2013, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Lang Center, Keith Room, Swarthmore College Download a flyer. Directions to Swarthmore College How do attorneys who represent clients facing the death penalty cope with the stress and trauma of their work? What is it like…

  • David Kairys to deliver Constitution Day Lecture on Supreme Court speech law

    Peace and Conflict Studies is pleased to be a co-sponsor of this year’s Constitution Day Lecture featuring Prof. David Kairys (Temple University) Kairys is a leading constitutional scholar and civil rights lawyer. He is widely known for his creative and regularly successful strategies and legal theories on civil rights and liberties, police abuse, criminal defense,…