Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: Northern Ireland Semester

  • Visiting Lang Professor Denise Crossan Touts Social Entrepreneurship

    By Ryan Dougherty September 9th, 2015 Swarthmore College website Is social entrepreneurship an oxymoron? It has been for many philanthropists, who worry that building a business model will compromise their mission, and for businesspersons who deem the social part too “touchy feely.” But that’s changing, says Denise Crossan. “Increasingly, I have students and community members…

  • Northern Ireland study abroad interest lunch with David Tombs

    STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION SESSION Semester in Northern Ireland Program Please join Professor David Tombs for lunch Thursday, November 21st, Noon, Sharples #5 Professor David Tombs, Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation for the Irish School of Ecumenics, will meet with interested students and answer questions. The program provides students a unique opportunity to study…

  • Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict course aligns with visiting mural artist residency

    Drop-add has begun, and spots are available in Professor Lee Smithey’s course, Transforming Intractable Conflict (SOCI 025B).  This course is registered in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology but can also be counted toward a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies. How can long-term deadly conflicts between groups with opposing ethnic identities change in ways…

  • Duncan Morrow on 35 Years of Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland

    Lessons for Peacebuilders: Northern Ireland and 35 Years of Community Relations Work Dr. Duncan Morrow The University of Ulster Wednesday, March 20, 2013 4:15 – 5:30 p.m. Science Center 183 Swarthmore College (Maps and directions) (Download a flyer) Dr. Duncan Morrow served for a decade as the Executive Director of the Northern Ireland Community Relations…

  • New video: Swarthmore’s Northern Ireland Semester

    In honor of Dr. Denise Crossan’s arrival in Swarthmore today, we’re launching a new promotional video presentation about the Northern Ireland Semester. Watch it here or at https://vimeo.com/52799720 North Ireland Semester from Swarthmore Peace Studies on Vimeo. Dr. Crossan is the Regional Director of the Swarthmore College Northern Ireland Semester Programme. Visit http://northernireland.swarthmore.edu If you…

  • Announcing a new book by Lee Smithey on conflict transformation in Northern Ireland

    The Peace and Conflict Studies program announces the release of a new book by Prof. Lee Smithey. Unionists, Loyalists, and Conflict Transformation in Northern Ireland is now available from Oxford University Press. Drawing on almost twenty years of studying and traveling to Northern Ireland, including sustained periods of intensive fieldwork, Smithey focuses on the importance…