Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: peacebuilding

  • Dr. George Lopez: What Queries about Peace are Most Relevant Today?

    Dr. George Lopez: What Queries about Peace are Most Relevant Today?

    Join us in the Scheuer Room at 1.15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 6 as we extend a warm PCS welcome to Dr. George Lopez, who will share insights from his four decades of experience in peacebuilding and economic sanctions. Dr. Lopez has moved the hands on the Doomsday Clock at the head of the Bulletin…

  • Historic Golden Rule Anti-Nuclear Vessel Comes to Philadelphia and Swarthmore College

    In 1958, an intrepid crew of (mainly) Quakers attempted to sail the small ship the “Golden Rule” to the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific, to try to “get in the way” of massive nuclear tests the United States was planning there. They were arrested in Honolulu, but they left a lasting legacy connecting peace…

  • “The Art of Un-War” Film Screening and A Conversation With Director Maria Niro

    To wrap up this spring’s Peace and Conflict Studies film series, we will screen The Art of Un-War followed by a discussion with the film’s director, Maria Niro. Where: Singer Hall Room 033 at Swarthmore College (Parking in Whittier Lot)When: 4:30 on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. Pizza, salad, and beverages will be provided! This event is open to the public.…

  • PEACE AND RECONCILIATION IN UKRAINE AND POLAND: Past and Present of the Refugee Crisis

    Tuesday, March 29, 4:30 p.m.Singer Hall Room 033 Swarthmore College In recent weeks Poland has welcomed a greater number of refugees from Ukraine than any other country, often with striking warmth and generosity, although the relationship between the two nations has been complex over time. Swarthmore College faculty members Allen Kuharski and Barbara Milewski will…

  • Pádraig Ó Tuama Visits Swarthmore: The Art And Soul Of Peace – Poetry, Story and Complications from Northern Ireland’s Peace Process

    Pádraig Ó Tuama Visits Swarthmore: The Art And Soul Of Peace – Poetry, Story and Complications from Northern Ireland’s Peace Process

    Video of Padraig Ó Tuama’s poetry reading is now available: The Peace and Conflict Studies Program at Swarthmore College is thrilled to announce the visit of Pádraig Ó Tuama to campus. Friday, April 6, 2018 at 2:30 PMMcCabe Library Atrium at Swarthmore CollegeMaps and DirectionsDownload a flyer The Art And Soul Of Peace – Poetry, Story and Complications…

  • Public Conversation with mural artist Dee Craig

    We would like to thank the crowd of over 50 swarthmore faculty, staff, and students who attended the public conversation with Dee Craig on Thursday afternoon in McCabe Library.  We appreciated the thoughtful dialogue and we look forward to much more of the same over the coming weeks of Dee’s residency at the Tri-Colleges. Many…

  • Follow the Tri-College Creative Residency via Storify on our blog.

    You can follow developments in the Tri-College Creative Residency via this blog post. More information about the residency, including upcoming events is available at http://bit.ly/swatcraig. You may also follow the residency directly at http://bit.ly/craigstory [View the story “Creative Mural Arts Residency at Swarthmore College” on Storify]  

  • Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict course aligns with visiting mural artist residency

    Drop-add has begun, and spots are available in Professor Lee Smithey’s course, Transforming Intractable Conflict (SOCI 025B).  This course is registered in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology but can also be counted toward a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies. How can long-term deadly conflicts between groups with opposing ethnic identities change in ways…

  • Duncan Morrow on 35 Years of Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland

    Lessons for Peacebuilders: Northern Ireland and 35 Years of Community Relations Work Dr. Duncan Morrow The University of Ulster Wednesday, March 20, 2013 4:15 – 5:30 p.m. Science Center 183 Swarthmore College (Maps and directions) (Download a flyer) Dr. Duncan Morrow served for a decade as the Executive Director of the Northern Ireland Community Relations…

  • Shane Claiborne on Seeking Justice and Living Peace

    Seeking Justice and Living Peace: Shane Claiborne on Solidarity and the Spirit February 4, 7-8:30 pm, Science Center 101 Shane Claiborne is a star in the world of Christian peace activism. He is the author of several books including The Irresistible Revolution, Jesus for President, Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers and with Tony Campolo,…