Swarthmore College Department of

Peace & Conflict Studies Blog

Tag: Northern Ireland

  • New video: Swarthmore’s Northern Ireland Semester

    In honor of Dr. Denise Crossan’s arrival in Swarthmore today, we’re launching a new promotional video presentation about the Northern Ireland Semester. Watch it here or at https://vimeo.com/52799720 North Ireland Semester from Swarthmore Peace Studies on Vimeo. Dr. Crossan is the Regional Director of the Swarthmore College Northern Ireland Semester Programme. Visit http://northernireland.swarthmore.edu If you…

  • Lee Smithey to speak during Garnet Weekend

    Culture and Conflict Transformation in Northern Ireland Lee Smithey Associate professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology Coordinator, Peace and Conflict Studies Program Saturday, October 27, 2012 3:00-4:00 p.m. Science Center 199 As part of Garnet Weekend 2012, Lee Smithey will offer a faculty talk based on his recent book, Unionists, Loyalists, and Conflict Transformation in…

  • Prof. Denise Crossan lecture on social entrepreneurship

    The Creative Destruction of Capitalism and the Rise of Social Entrepreneurship A lecture by Dr. Denise Crossan Assistant Professor in Social Entrepreneurship School of Business Trinity College Dublin Regional Director of the Swarthmore College Northern Ireland Semester Programme Monday, November 5, 2012 4:15 p.m. Science Center 101 Maps and directions to Swarthmore College An influential 2011…

  • THURSDAY Information Session: Northern Ireland Semester

    Interested in conflict and peacebuilding? Social entrepreneurship and sustainable organizing? Come learn about the Northern Ireland Semester, a study abroad program of Swarthmore College. We will hold an orientation session on Thursday, September 20th at 3:30 in SC145. Dr. Denise Crossan (Trinity College Dublin), our in-country supervisor and instructor, will join us via Skype. The…

  • Announcing a new book by Lee Smithey on conflict transformation in Northern Ireland

    The Peace and Conflict Studies program announces the release of a new book by Prof. Lee Smithey. Unionists, Loyalists, and Conflict Transformation in Northern Ireland is now available from Oxford University Press. Drawing on almost twenty years of studying and traveling to Northern Ireland, including sustained periods of intensive fieldwork, Smithey focuses on the importance…

  • Electronic Resources on Northern Ireland

    Information Technology Services has installed two interactive resources on the PC in the Sociology and Anthropology lab in Kohlberg Hall. Both pertain to Northern Ireland, but have broader relevance to political contention (violent, nonviolent, and institutional), material culture, ethnicity, nationalism, propaganda, etc. If you would like to access these resources, please contact Rose Maio in…

  • Swatties arrive in Northern Ireland

    Hannah Kurtz ’13 (a special major in Peace and Conflict Studies) and Josh Satre ’13 arrived in Northern Ireland today to begin their semester of study at the Irish School for Ecumenics (Trinity College Dublin at Belfast) and other community-based coursework. They met with Laura Couser at the Bytes Project. They are pictured here in…

  • Peace and Conflict Studies in Northern Ireland

    During the spring semester of 2008, Swarthmore College launched an innovative community-based study abroad program in Northern Ireland, and two Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) students, Reina Chano ’09 and Maurice Weeks ’09, were the first to complete the inaugural semester. A third PCS student, Jessa Deutsch ’10, participated in a summer internship this past…